Brian Castner

Brian Castner is a nonfiction writer, former Explosive Ordnance Disposal officer and veteran of the Iraq War. His most recent book is Stampede, a new history of the 1897 Klondike Gold Rush. Castner is also the bestselling author of Disappointment River, All the Ways We Kill and Die, and the war memoir The Long Walk. His journalism and essays have appeared in The New York Times, WIRED, Esquire, The Atlantic, Foreign Policy, and on NPR.
Featured title: Stampede: Gold Fever and Disaster in the Klondike
- Saturday, Sept. 21 @ 4:30 p.m. – Author Signing Event – The Oscar, Fishback Studio Theater (154), Brookings
- Saturday, Sept. 21 @ 7:00 p.m. – From Iraq to the Arctic and the Klondike (Book signing to follow) – The Oscar, Founders Recital Hall, Brookings