Christmas Comes Early for South Dakota Third Graders
December 21, 2024

Almost 15,000 South Dakota third graders got their Christmas presents early this year, when the South Dakota Humanities Council distributed copies of the 2024 Young Readers One Book statewide.
Since 2014, SDHC has annually shared an engaging, age-appropriate book with third graders to inspire imagination and increase excitement about literacy. At a time of declining reading proficiency, the combination of book ownership and in-person author visits at the crucial third-grade stage shapes meaningful reading habits and provides creative role models for students.
The book, “Juana & Lucas: Dos Grandes Changes,” was written and illustrated by Juana Medina. As part of the 2024 South Dakota Festival of Books, Medina visited the state, speaking to more than 2,200 third graders – and many of their parents, teachers and librarians – in Sioux Falls and Brookings.
For students in other parts of the state, Medina recorded a special storytime video and drawing demonstration, available on SDHC’s Young Readers webpage.
“The South Dakota Humanities Council Board of Directors is committed to the youth of our state. We thank our donors and supporters who have helped make this happen. We will continue to seek out partners who can help make South Dakota one of the best reading states in America,” said Stephen Williamson, SDHC Chair.
Several generous sponsors supported the publication and distribution of books to all third graders in public, tribal, and private schools throughout the state, as well as to many homeschooling families for free. SDHC realizes that many children in South Dakota do not own their own book and are grateful for supporters for providing this opportunity.
Larson Family Foundation, Valley Queen Charitable Foundation, First Bank and Trust, Northern Hills Federal Credit Union, and Otter Tail Power Company Foundation provided funding to cover the cost of books for students in their service areas. Delivery support came from three partners – Black Hills Reads, First Bank and Trust, and the South Dakota Statewide Family Engagement Center – and many volunteers.
In 2025, SDHC hopes to raise $60,000 for the purchase and distribution of books to reach every South Dakota third grader once again. The public can play a pivotal role in educating and supporting the state’s youth by donating via SDHC’s website.
If you know a third grader who did not receive a book in 2024, or if you want to learn more, contact SDHC at (605) 688-6113 or
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