Jim Reese

Topics: Creativity and Cons, Poetry, Prison Reform, Writing
Community: Yankton
Program Types: Speakers Bureau, Virtual Program(s)
james.reese@mountmarty.edu | 605-660-3737
Connecting with Students in the Non-traditional Classroom
This workshop is designed to help you connect with difficult students and/or those convicted of crimes in your classroom. Reese provides material to get started and answers questions about what to expect when teaching in marginal, non-traditional spaces.
Get Published Now
This workshop is a hybrid writing workshop which features an informal conversation with Reese, an award-winning working writer/editor/publisher discussing craft, publishing and the writing life. It is an opportunity for students, faculty and community members to learn about publishing and to meet directly with an editor and publisher. Reese also shares his secrets—writing from the gut—and how he gets prisoners and complete strangers to tell all.
From Poetry to Prose
How to make the jump in genres and why. This workshop is a hybrid writing workshop which features an informal conversation with Reese, an award-winning working writer. Reese provides workshop prompts to get you started writing and to delve into what matters most to you.