Kathy Bjornestad

Topics: Discussion Leader, Literature, Writing
Community: Belle Fourche
Program Types: Speakers Bureau, Young Readers One Book
bjornestadk@gmail.com | (307) 281-1600
Ghouls, Readers, and the Power of the Pen
This presentation for grades 3-6 covers what makes a good story. Students will delve into a writer’s mystery bag of tricks and write one sentence story hooks to practice creating beginnings with pizazz. The presentation includes plenty of examples and hands-on interaction.
How Places Turn into Books!
This visual, interactive presentation is aimed at grades 3-6 students. Employing my own experience in writing two children’s poetry books and the novel, The Amazing Sunny York, I’ll share how I used place to jumpstart an idea, then added other elements such as character and theme to build a book.
Paths to Self-Publishing
This adult presentation explores the ins and outs of the complex world of self-publishing, including the various publishing options and platforms. Whether you prefer to go the traditional route, take a DIY approach, or want to outsource the heavy lifting, you’ll be guided through the options, software and resources you’ll need. Even if you haven’t completed your masterpiece but are still interested in learning about the publishing process, this workshop is for you.