Phyllis Cole-Dai

Topics: American Old West, Communication, Creativity and Consciousness, History, Homelessness, Literature, Native American, Poetry, Spirituality
Community: Brookings
Program Types: Speakers Bureau, Virtual Program(s) | 605-592-6293
The 1862 U.S-Dakota War Through Sarah Wakefield’s Eyes
Hear captivating stories behind Cole-Dai’s writing of Beneath the Same Stars, a historical novel that dives into Minnesota’s 1862 U.S.-Dakota War from the perspective of Sarah Wakefield. She was a doctor’s wife who got caught up in the conflict. You will learn about a largely forgotten war that still haunts the Upper Plains.
Practicing Presence: Insights From the Streets
What does homelessness look and feel like from street level? Cole-Dai found out firsthand. She once chose to go without a home for 47 days in Columbus, Ohio—her home at the time. After this presentation, you might look with new eyes at every person you meet, homeless and otherwise.
The Good Medicine of Mindfulness Poetry
Mindfulness poems are good medicine. They invite you to bring your full self to every moment and truly live it. Explore Poetry of Presence: An Anthology of Mindfulness Poems, which Cole-Dai co-edited, and learn how reading and/or writing such poetry can benefit your life.
What to Do When the Muse Wakes You Up
How does your creative side—your Muse—communicate with you? Nudge your shoulder? Tug your sleeve? Startle you awake in the middle of the night? Dig into the magic of creative inspiration and how to work more intentionally with it.
Touching the Faces of Loss
The losses we suffer have many faces. We often turn away from them to protect ourselves from sorrow and pain. Yet holding them gently is the necessary work of grief. Drawing on the themes of For the Sake of One We Love and Are Losing, this presentation will help you approach your losses with more courage and compassion.