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Raffi Andonian

Raffi Andonian, known as the Celebrity Historian due to his frequent appearances on TV stations nationwide, is the author of three history books and the producer and host of an AppleTV show connecting past and present. He regularly leads a course on contested histories and memory, and he has spoken at Oxford, Cambridge, and several humanities councils across the United States. Andonian also leads the Harmonize Your Workforce program, combining history events and employee development.

Featured title: How Many Ways Did Founding Fathers Oppose the Constitution?



  • Friday, Sept. 22 @ 2:00 p.m.Are Your Monuments Worthy? – Holiday Inn Express, Mystic and Savoy Rooms
  • Friday, Sept. 22 @ 4:30 p.m. Author Signing Event – The Lodge, Bullock & Roosevelt Rooms
  • Saturday, Sept. 23 @ 11:30 a.m. Founding Fathers Who Opposed the Constitution – Deadwood Public Library, Main Floor
  • Saturday, Sept. 23 @ 12:45 p.m. Author Signing Event – The Lodge, Bullock & Roosevelt Rooms

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