Wayne Fanebust

Topics: American Old West, Black Hills, History, Frontier Justice, Native American, Sports, Veterans/Military History
Community: Sioux Falls
Program Types: Pre-recorded Program Video, Speakers Bureau
wfanebust@gmail.com | 605-496-8730
No Justice for Agnes
This is the true story of an immigrant girl’s strange death at just 16 years old. Agnes Polreis had been employed as the live-in maid at the residence of Emma and Moses Kaufmann, the latter being a leading business and political figure in Sioux Falls. Emma Kaufmann was arrested and charged in Agnes’ murder. Two sensational trials followed, both in Flandreau, resulting in a conviction of battery only. The trials attracted bizarre newspaper coverage and national attention.
Chasing Frank and Jesse James
Fanebust’s book details the long chase of the James boys following a botched bank robbery in Northfield, Minnesota. It includes their trek through Dakota Territory pursued by large possies of men. The legendary jump across Devil’s Gulch in Garretson is also included.
Outlaw Dakota
This book and program examine criminal justice during the territorial days as seen through the life and lens of Judge Peter C. Shannon. Shannon was the chief justice on the Dakota Supreme Court from 1873 to 1882. The book features the trial of Jack McCall for the murder of Wild Bill Hickok, along with other notable trials.
Senator R. F. Pettigrew
This program explores the political career of South Dakota’s first full term U. S. Senator. The program also delves into his life as a frontiersman, territorial politician and town builder. The material for the program is based on Fanebust’s book, Echoes of November.