One Book Author Tour Applications Available
March 4, 2023

SDHC is now accepting applications to host Diane Wilson, author of The Seed Keeper, on her 2023 One Book Author Tour. Applications are open through noon on Friday, March 24 for events in June, July, and September.
Wilson, who lives in Minnesota, is eager to return to her neighboring state, drive its highways, and meet its readers. “So much of my writing and research has been centered in South Dakota, so to be able to come back to a land where I feel such a strong family rootedness and to share these stories, this is a great honor for me,” she said. “I’m excited for these conversations, so put the coffee on! I’m happy to come visit.”
To learn more about hosting a One Book Author Tour Event, read on.
What Is the One Book Author Tour?
The tour is your chance to host Diane Wilson, author of the 2023 One Book South Dakota, The Seed Keeper. To promote exploration of the book’s themes, Wilson will visit 8-10 communities throughout the state, leading up to a keynote appearance at the South Dakota Festival of Books in Deadwood, September 22-24.
Who Can Host a One Book Author Tour Event?
SDHC invites libraries, museums, educational organizations, churches, and other cultural or community groups to apply for a chance to host Diane Wilson. Up to 10 communities will be selected to host One Book Author Tour Events. The selection of host communities will consider Wilson’s schedule and travel requirements, as well as overall geographic balance and hosts’ commitment to reaching the public.
Host Organization Responsibilities:
- STRONGLY ENCOURAGED: Apply to host a One Book Discussion Program, preferably prior to the author visit. SDHC will provide books from the lending library and, if desired, a scholar to lead the discussion. Discussion program applications are available at (If you host a One Book Discussion Program, SDHC will waive the $50 fee for the One Book Author Tour Event.)
- If selected for a One Book Author Tour Event, but NOT also hosting a One Book Discussion Program, submit $50 grant application fee to SDHC.
- Host the tour event at a location that is open and accessible to the public.
- Identify at least one staff member or volunteer to serve as the Project Coordinator .
- Contribute in-kind support (volunteer time, space rental, supplies, publicity, etc.) valued at $250 or more.
- Promote the event within a 50-mile radius of the community.
- Acknowledge funding from SDHC, an affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
- If possible, arrange for a local bookstore to sell copies of The Seed Keeper during and after the event.
- Following the event, complete an evaluation survey for SDHC.
Host Organizations Receive:
- 10 copies of The Seed Keeper (above and beyond any books received on loan for your One Book Discussion Program) to give away, to promote the tour event, or to keep as a book club set
- Resource toolkit of promotional materials (sample news release, poster/flyer template, author bio/photo, etc.)
- Wilson’s travel, lodging and other expenses paid directly by SDHC
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