SDHC programming provides public opportunities for South Dakotans to discover, connect, and enjoy the humanities through educational opportunities focused on history, literature, philosophy, civics, archaeology, and other humanities disciplines.
SDHC delivers programs across the state of South Dakota and works with:
- Schools
- Museums
- Libraries
- Groups
- Cultural, educational, and community-based organizations
See below what types of programs you can host or attend, receive information on how to host, and read up on the requirements for hosting a program!

Programs We Offer
At SDHC, we provide opportunities for you to enjoy the humanities through activities you can host or attend.
Council Funded Programs – Sign up to host one today!
Council Conducted Programs – Join us!
How to Host a Program
Once you have decided which SDHC program you would like to host (and made arrangements with an SDHC scholar, if applicable):
- Submit an online application a minimum of 4-6 weeks prior to the event date
- Pay the program application fee
- Promote the event
- Day of the event:
• Distribute audience evaluations to attendees to complete and return
• Thank SDHC and NEH for sponsoring the event - Complete and return assigned paperwork according to instructions, including audience evaluations
- Return books to SDHC (if applicable)
Program Requirements
- Programs must be hosted in South Dakota, open to the public, and be free to attend with no admission or other fee, including a suggested donation. (Should your overall event include a paid portion, such as a meal, publicity must include a notation that the SDHC scholar presentation segment is open and free to the public.)
- Any organization is eligible to apply. Typical applicants include libraries, museums, historical societies, book clubs, tribal entities, K-12 schools, colleges and universities, as well as community centers and agencies that are open to the public
- Programs hosted at a facility must provide comfortable accommodations
- Program fee of $50 ($25 if a virtual event) is required prior to grant approval; payment options are listed in the online application
- Sponsoring organizations must not have any open grants with SDHC. An open grant entails missing paperwork or grant fees from previously approved or completed programs
- Based on availability, organizations may apply for an unlimited amount of One Book, Young Readers One Book, and ¹Book Club to Go programs
- Presentation/program must be a minimum of 45 minutes long, with additional time for Q&A
- A good-faith effort in promoting the event beyond the hosting organization’s members (consult SDHC promotional guidelines)
- Acknowledgment of SDHC’s sponsorship
- For scholar/speaker programs, contact an SDHC scholar directly and agree on a presentation and ²date/time for the event
- For scholar/discussion leader programs, contact an SDHC scholar directly, select One Book South Dakota, Young Readers One Book, or Book Club to Go (select a title from the SDHC Lending Library), and agree on a ²date/time for the event
- Scholars for all scholar-led programs will be reimbursed by SDHC for mileage up to 200 round trip miles. While all scholars are available for hosting, please consider a scholar within these parameters.
- SDHC limits host organizations to three speaker programs per year (Nov. 1-Oct. 31).
- One Book South Dakota, Young Readers One Book and Book Club to Go discussions are unlimited and based on titles that are available to loan. If you have questions, please reach out to our Program Coordinator ,