Geraldine Goes in Center

Topics: Chautauqua, Education, History, Native American, South Dakota, Veterans/Military History, Women
Community: Rapid City, SD
Program Types: Chautauqua, Pre-recorded Program Video, Speakers Bureau, Virtual Program(s) | (605) 899-8999
Dakota Daughters – Wounded Knee Massacre, 1890 (Chautauqua)
(Note: This is a combined presentation with fellow Humanities scholars Joyce Jefferson and Lillian Witt.)
Dakota Daughters commemorated the 130-year anniversary of the December 29, 1890, Wounded Knee Massacre in 2020. Now, they look to the future of 2024 and beyond. They have made it a priority to tell this story throughout South Dakota by relaying historical information in an interesting, thought-provoking, entertaining and memorable way. When technology is available, they augment their program to include slides from their collaboration with The Journey Museum and Periaktos Productions: “Reflections on the Massacre at Wounded Knee.” The Dakota Daughters hope when people see their play, they will realize that although we all are unique – such as skin color, cultures, beliefs – deep down we are not all that different. Mitákuye Oyás’iŋ – “We are all related.”
Plains History of Lakota Food and Diet
This presentation covers the food and diet of the Plains Lakota from pre-reservation, early reservation and the present time. Goes in Center includes information on the types of food they consumed and how foods were preserved and prepared. She usually shares samples of buffalo wasna, a dish her ancestors consumed to obtain health.
Dakota Daughters – Daddies’ Dreams
(Note: This is a combined presentation with fellow Humanities scholars Joyce Jefferson and Lillian Witt.)
Dakota Daughters compare the lives of their veteran fathers Marvin Derflinger, Clarence James and Nathaniel Witt who served their country and continued to lead full and interesting lives after their tours of duty. Goes in Center, Jefferson and Witt bring their fathers’ histories to life. We are indeed our Daddies’ Dreams. This is a contemporary PowerPoint.