Christy Heacock

Topics: Civil Discourse, Communication, Discussion Leader, Forgiveness, World Religions and Wisdom Traditions
Community: Rapid City
Program Types: Book Club to Go, Speakers Bureau, Virtual Program(s) | (605) 390-3869 |
Being Human Is Hard: Choose Forgiveness
Heacock discusses the meaning of forgiveness, why forgiveness is beneficial, and how to forgive by using stories from people she has interviewed, research, and her own personal experience. Forgiveness does NOT mean excusing or condoning bad behavior. It means letting go of destructive thoughts, feelings and behaviors and moving beyond shame, guilt, anger, and resentment. Her dissertation study was “The Experience of Forgiveness in Adults with Different Sacred Belief Systems.” The people Heacock interviewed for her qualitative research were empowered by 4Cs: Connections, Courage, Compassion, and Creativity.
World Religions, Wisdom Traditions
Heacock discusses the function of religion, what major religions have in common, why there are differences in religions, and the values that are similar in all major religions. The focus is on the wisdom of the major religious traditions, not the politics.
What is Civil Discourse?
Civil Discourse is engagement in conversation intended to enhance understanding. The presentation discusses conversational guidelines that lead to productive problem solving, and the interrelationship of thinking, feeling, and behaving.